DAA Class Videos

Introduction -01

LAB 01a program and basics of JAVA


Algorithms Conventions

Lab 01b and 02a

Analysis of Algorithms intro

Lab 02b

Order of growth

Lab 03a

Big Oh, Omega, Theta

Lab 05 Merge Sort

Mathematical analysis of Non Recursive Algorithms

Lab 04 Quick Sort

Mathematical analysis of Recursive Algorithms

Lab 09 Prim's Algorithm

Problem types and Data Structures

Lab 08, Kruskal's Algorithm

Recurrence Relation Solution

Lab 10a, Floyd's Algorithm

Divide and Conquer Intro

Lab 07, Dijkstra's algorithm

Binary Search

Maximum and Minimum

Merge Sort

Quick Sort

Strassen Matrix Multiplication

Topological Sorting

Knapsack Problem

Job Sequencing with Deadline

MST, Prim's Algorithm

Kruskal's Algorithm

Dijkstra's Algorithm

Huffman Coding

Heap Sort

Dynamic Programming

Multistage Graph

Warshall's Algorithm

Floyd's Algorithm

All pair shortest path

0/1 Knapsack Problem

Optimal Binary Search Tree

Bellman Ford Algorithm